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Benefits for Members

Together for a Good Investment Climate

Anyone who feels the ups and downs of the discussion about the promotion of renewable energies and increasing competition firsthand in their own sales knows that, especially in the solar technology industry, one must never rest on one’s laurels. It is indispensable, especially in economically difficult times, to join forces and fight together more intensively for the expansion of the solar industry.

Around 1,000 solar companies are now benefiting from the acknowledged successes of the German Solar Association and are building on the German industry association. You too can benefit from the many advantages of a membership in the German Solar Association.

German Solar Association Advantages at a Glance

  • Market advantages through a leading edge in knowledge: fast and reliable industry information, internal market data, studies, and sales recommendations through regular German Solar Association decision-makers’ reports communicated via email, information papers, and publications
  • More turnover through technology and industry marketing + customer referrals: mediation of qualified customer contacts, marketing campaigns, professional public relations, and inclusion in the leading company directory of the solar industry—30,000 customer contacts
  • Greater investment security: initiating, securing, and further developing suitable political framework conditions for stable market growth, for example, through targeted policy advice and accompanying public relations work
  • High acceptance for solar technology and positive industry image: possibility to participate in the development and implementation of an industry strategy, continuous media coverage, and targeted industry campaigns by the German Solar Association
  • Helping to shape and implement the energy turnaround for high solar market shares: development of technical standards, R & D support and quality assurance for the transformation of the energy system
  • Synergies through industry network: mediation of business contacts, reduction of market development efforts, higher efficiency, and lower costs through common positions and industry activities
  • Special conditions for members: high discounts for German Solar Association workshops and many other industry events

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You too can benefit from the extensive membership benefits. Become a member now!